EBS R12资产管理培训

This course will be applicable for customers who have implemented Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 or Oracle E-Business Suite 12.1.
Oracle Assets can help enterprises lower administrative costs by streamlining data management. In this course you will learn the fundamental concepts and implementation considerations of Oracle Asset Management. Concepts are learned through a series of tutorials, demonstrations, and practices. Upon completing this class you should be able to explain the Asset Management process from Asset Data Flow to the General Ledger, plan an Asset Management implementation, and Implement Oracle Assets, including the setting up of Asset Books, Mass Asset Additions, Asset Depreciation and Tax Accounting. Hands on practices and guided demonstrations supplement the student learning.
        Learn To:
         Implement Oracle Assets
         Set up asset books
         Explain the asset management process
         Plan an asset management implementation
         Set up mass asset additions
         Set up depreciation and tax accounting

        End Users
        Functional Implementer






        Overview of Oracle Asset Management
             •E-Business Suite Integration
             •Implementation Considerations for Oracle Financials
             •Oracle Assets Setup Steps
             •Implementing Oracle Assets
             •Adding Assets Manually
             •Mass Asset Additions
             •Acquire and Build CIP Assets
             •Reconciling Data in Oracle Assets
        Asset Controls Setup
             •Oracle Assets Setup Steps
             •Setup Steps Flow
             •Setting Up Key Flexfields
             •Location Key Flexfield
             •Creating Key Flexfield Combinations
             •Specifying System Controls
             •Setting Up Asset Calendars
             •Maintaining an Audit Trail
        Asset Books
             •Asset Books Regions
             •Calendar Region
             •Accounting Rules Region
             •Organizations and Security by Book
             •Security by Book Setup Steps
             •Troubleshooting Security by Book
             •Implementation Considerations for Security by Book
        Asset Categories
             •Asset Categories Positioning
             •Asset Categories Regions
             •Asset Categories Setup
        Manual Asset Additions
             •Asset Life Cycle
             •Adding Assets Manually
             •Detailed Asset Additions
             •Asset Cost Terminology
             •Accumulated Depreciation Considerations
             •Manual Asset Additions Journal Entries
             •Group Depreciation
             •Set Up Group Assets
        Mass Asset Additions
             •Mass Asset Additions Process
             •Using the Mass Additions Interface Table
             •Tracking Expensed Items in Oracle Assets
             •Changing Asset Information
             •Accounting for Cost Adjustments
             •Purge Mass Additions
             •Creating Assets Using Web ADI
        CIP Asset Additions
             •Adding and Capitalizing a CIP Asset
             •Acquire and Build CIP Assets
             •Automatically Adding CIP Assets to Tax Books
             •Modifying the Cost of CIP Assets
             •Recording a CIP Asset Addition
             •Capitalizing a CIP Asset
             •Reversing a Capitalized Asset
             •CIP Assets and Oracle Projects
        Asset Adjustments and Maintenance
             •Single Asset Reclassification
             •Mass Reclassification
             •Inheriting Depreciation Rules
             •Choosing to Expense or Amortize Depreciation Adjustments
             •Amortizing Adjustments Using a Retroactive Start Date
             •Asset Revaluation
             •Performing Physical Inventory
             •Physical Inventory Reconciliation
             •Elements of Depreciation
             •Depreciation Setup Areas
             •Basic Depreciation Calculation
             •Depreciation Methods
             •Entering Production Information
             •Prorate Conventions
             •Run Depreciation Process
             •Depreciation Forecasts
        Asset Retirements
             •Tracking Asset Retirements
             •Overview of Retiring an Asset
             •Restrictions on Retirements and Reinstatements
             •Reinstating Retired Assets
             •Retirement Processing Flow
             •Recording Retirements
             •Retirement Reports
             •Calculating Gains and Losses
        Asset Accounting
             •Setting Up Asset Accounting
             •Oracle Subledger Accounting
             •Assets Journal Entries Flow
             •Reconciling Data in Oracle Assets
             •Generating Reports to Reconcile to the General Ledger
             •Reconciling Asset Cost Accounts
             •Reconciling Mass Additions
        Asset Inquiry and Reporting
             •Viewing Asset Information Online
             •Types of Asset Inquiries
             •Asset Inquiry Options
             •iAssets Search for Assets
             •iAssets Setup Steps
             •iAssets Setup Steps-Rules
             •iAssets Setup Steps-Profile Options
             •Oracle Assets Reporting
        Tax Accounting
             •Creating a Tax Book
             •Prerequisites for Setting Up Tax Book Asset Categories
             •Entering Information in Tax Books
             •Updating a Tax Book Manually
             •Tax Book Upload Interface
             •Deferred Depreciation
             •Adjusting Accumulated Depreciation
             •General Tax Reports